Technical Difficulties?
Friday's should be festive. So on Friday's we'll take a break from the typical background story and call to action and go for a lighter post, more humorous, "snarky" even.
Now about our technical difficulty. Our posts sit on a blog called "The Rumor Has Wings" on the home site of, owned by the omnipresent Google. We have no beef with either of our landlords here but others have raised a concern about how search engines locate and rank information and the confusion it can cause.
For example, a certain well known British footballer (we'd call them a soccer player) had his name appear on a site that speculated about which footballers might be gay. Other sports sites and fans who did a search for their favorite player began picking up the site and posting the question as well. Before you knew it, strictly because of the number of times the player's name was appearing close to the word "gay" within a sentence on multiple sites, his name + gay rose to the top as the number one ranking on major search engines.
A serious problem or just a quirk of the internet? Is it even true? I mean what if I wrote here that at times when Karl Rove makes certain facial expressions he kind of reminds me of the character "Fat Bastard" from the Austin Powers movies?
OK, given the stress Rove is under with getting hauled before a grand jury multiple times and a potentially looming indictment, maybe he's put on a few pounds, but fat? And granted he's been pretty devious and underhanded in some of his political strategies; well, OK, borderline or even over-the-line criminal, but a bastard? Other than a coincidental comical resemblence at times between Karl Rove and Fat Bastard, I don't think we can really say that Rove is a fat bastard.
But ultimately, maybe thats a call for you all to make? Comment below: is Karl Rove a fat bastard or not?
Which brings us full circle back to our technical difficulty. What happens if enough of you comment on whether Rove is a fat bastard or not and then the next time you do a search for Rove + fat bastard it comes up on top?
Is the footballer gay? Is Karl Rove a fat bastard just because the search engines say so?
Now about our technical difficulty. Our posts sit on a blog called "The Rumor Has Wings" on the home site of, owned by the omnipresent Google. We have no beef with either of our landlords here but others have raised a concern about how search engines locate and rank information and the confusion it can cause.
For example, a certain well known British footballer (we'd call them a soccer player) had his name appear on a site that speculated about which footballers might be gay. Other sports sites and fans who did a search for their favorite player began picking up the site and posting the question as well. Before you knew it, strictly because of the number of times the player's name was appearing close to the word "gay" within a sentence on multiple sites, his name + gay rose to the top as the number one ranking on major search engines.

OK, given the stress Rove is under with getting hauled before a grand jury multiple times and a potentially looming indictment, maybe he's put on a few pounds, but fat? And granted he's been pretty devious and underhanded in some of his political strategies; well, OK, borderline or even over-the-line criminal, but a bastard? Other than a coincidental comical resemblence at times between Karl Rove and Fat Bastard, I don't think we can really say that Rove is a fat bastard.
But ultimately, maybe thats a call for you all to make? Comment below: is Karl Rove a fat bastard or not?
Which brings us full circle back to our technical difficulty. What happens if enough of you comment on whether Rove is a fat bastard or not and then the next time you do a search for Rove + fat bastard it comes up on top?
Is the footballer gay? Is Karl Rove a fat bastard just because the search engines say so?
the search engines are our friends. they help us to find the things we need everyday. they would never lie to us. i don't think they like what you are saying about them...
Swanny, at 3:25 PM
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