Mel Gibson and his Real Father?
How does Mel come by his deep, dark views on Jewish people and Israel. One picture may be worth a thousand words. Separated at birth?
But my words might be colored, tainted since I'm not one who is particularly gifted in bigotry, racism, homophobia, or convinced of an absolute correctness of one religion for the whole world -I'm no Christian dominatrix. Take it from some of Mel's people, the righteous souls over at Fox News:
I'm back from my sabbatical and look forward to your comments and e-mails.
But my words might be colored, tainted since I'm not one who is particularly gifted in bigotry, racism, homophobia, or convinced of an absolute correctness of one religion for the whole world -I'm no Christian dominatrix. Take it from some of Mel's people, the righteous souls over at Fox News:
"I believe that breathless revelations now about Gibson are designed for sympathy only. But he’s not going to get it.
For one thing, Gibson has not — I repeat in capital letters HAS NOT — entered into a serious rehab program for alcohol of any kind. He’s going to AA meetings, but he has not checked himself into a 28-day program at a place like the Betty Ford Clinic or Hazelden.
The director of such a program was quoted yesterday by wire services commenting on Gibson’s choice of rehab. This guy is right in Malibu at the Promises center. If Gibson were serious about his drinking or his apology, he wouldn’t have to travel more than a couple of miles to make it happen. The fact is he just isn't."
I'm back from my sabbatical and look forward to your comments and e-mails.
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